Saturday, 31 January 2015

Winter Dryad | Substituting My Canvas For My Face

It's SNOWING OUTSIDEEEEEEEE. It's early Saturday morning, like early, early Saturday morning, like 5am early, and as I write this it's SNOWING. Well, it's not actually snowing snowing, but there's a blanket of snow covering the cars and street, so, yeah. And,as it's Saturday morning, it's like the song goes "and since we've no place to go, let it now, let it snow, let it snow"

It's also perfect timing for me to share this look with you. I call it my Winter Dryad.

Yes. I've been at play with my makeup, No. It's not the look I go for when popping to the shops.

Lately, I've been less at work with my canvases, and back to my roots of playing havoc with my face, As a result, my version of a winter Dryad has taken over.

And here's a video of the process...


Monday, 5 January 2015

On the twelfth Day of Christmas...| Goodnight, Christmas

There's been smiles like this...

There's been days jam-packed with laughing, followed by arguing, followed by giggling, followed by chases all amongst food and drink that has left us so knackered we'veconked out on the sofa like this...

...but it has come. The last day of Christmas, (sniff, sniff), and whilst the lights in our house, and along the streets of the nation, will shortly be coming down, I want to officially bid farewell to the beautiful, sparkle that has made my heart so warm and snugly on these cold winter nights.

Goodnight, beautifully, twinkling Doorway. You welcomed me home with a love so warm, and twinkling, radiating far in the dark mornings, afternoon and nights.

 Goodnight, Christmas Tree. This Christmas you once again kept my Gifts for other warm, whilst simultaneously cuddling the gifts that surprised me. Gifts that I will adore for time to come

 I mean, check out my new measuring spoons. Cute or what? (Mum definitely spoiled me this year with a range of presents. Not to mention a Smart TV. Definitely didn't see that one coming.)

Goodnight, Reindeer.

Goodnight, Christmas, 'till next time. xxx

Sunday, 4 January 2015

On the eleventh day...| Grazing

I don't think. in the last eleven days, I've had a chance to get hungry. And, as Christmas comes to an end, there are more than enough empty chocolate boxes and wine bottles scattered around the house to remind me of how much we've been stuffing our faces.

Seriously, we've been Grazing, for goodness sake. Near on twelve straight days of Grazing. I'm dreading the the upcoming days, where my body has gotten so used to the constant grazing, that it constantly feel hunger.

Oh, well. For now, I'm s off to pop another chocolate in my mouth. Why not? I might as well make the most of it while I can.

Friday, 2 January 2015

On the Ninth day of Christmas...| Stocking up on a Makeup Fave

The Maybelline 24hr colour tattoo is definitely a favourite of mine, and as Superdrugs currently has a buy 3 for the price of 2 deal going on, I couldn't help but stock up and buy 9. 
I got 2 for Free. YAY!!!

I love going heavy with these gel eye shadows and coating my eyes with  their gorgeous colours, but for my recent "subtle, frosty look" I went light on the use of the Pink and Ruby colours.

Have you tried Maybelline's 24HR Colour tattoo eye shadows yet?

Thursday, 1 January 2015

On the eighth day of Christmas | Happy New Year!

It's the first day of yet another New, yet imaginary (lets be honest, now), Year, and, for me, on this day, there will be no promises, or unrealistic timelines to my hopes and dreams that I will cast like. I will not give up on choccies or sweets or make a pledge to lose weight before my birthday or else. No, no, no, no, no. All I will do, all I can do, is live each day as it comes, strive to be happy, try and remember to absorb my surroundings, and let things be. "Simples"


Now I'm off to have another glass off bubbly. Kisses
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