Saturday, 31 January 2015

Winter Dryad | Substituting My Canvas For My Face

It's SNOWING OUTSIDEEEEEEEE. It's early Saturday morning, like early, early Saturday morning, like 5am early, and as I write this it's SNOWING. Well, it's not actually snowing snowing, but there's a blanket of snow covering the cars and street, so, yeah. And,as it's Saturday morning, it's like the song goes "and since we've no place to go, let it now, let it snow, let it snow"

It's also perfect timing for me to share this look with you. I call it my Winter Dryad.

Yes. I've been at play with my makeup, No. It's not the look I go for when popping to the shops.

Lately, I've been less at work with my canvases, and back to my roots of playing havoc with my face, As a result, my version of a winter Dryad has taken over.

And here's a video of the process...



  1. Wow ,looks amazing! Fantastic Work!

    lovely Greets :)

  2. This is fantastic you are so talented!!
    Katherine |Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  3. This actually looks amazing! I wish talented enough do looks like this. it's just practice I guess?

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  4. You did an amazing job, this looks great! :)

    Recently I have started as a guest designer for a famous bag brand and my first design of a belt bag is out! <3 I would love to hear what you think about it! :)
    Hope to see you soon on my blog
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    Kisses from Zurich,

  5. OMG it's Amazing. stunning pics. have a nice day gloria

  6. this is amazing! Well done xx

    Georgia | Personal style beauty and lifestyle blog.


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