Thursday, 25 December 2014

On the First Day of Christmas... | Love and be Loved

Merry Christmas!

The last few days of advent has seen me running around like a headless chicken on the hunt for presents (which, like every year, I had planned to do in advance, but, as usual, failed) and stocking up on lots of yummy nibbles, drinks and food for this Christmas period.

And so it begins. Christmas is here. The first day of Christmas. A day where family can row and food can burn like never before, but before doors start slamming, or possible wishes for the day and Christmas period in general to end, take a second and look around you. I mean really look. Look past all of the annoying little stuff. Look past the present you possibly hate, the effort you've put in to something that seems to have been overlooked, the rowdy aunt in the corner, or the cremated food, and take what's there in. This is your family, no matter how big, small, annoying, or loud. These are your friends. This is your Christmas. Love and be loved.

So, whilst I'm about to go and bang the turkey in the oven, whilst half of my family are still asleep, and the other half are nattering in the living room, I just wanted to say that, wherever, or whoever you are with today, be it family, or strangers, I send you lots and lots of love and wish you a merry, merry Christmas.

Kartonia. xx

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